Chronicles of Curiosity and Creativity

or a collection of random bits from a madman.

  • 2025 Site Update!

    Oh. Seems I’ve missed my yearly blog post and skipped 2024. Quite a lot happened for me in 2024. Made a round trip around the world visiting 5 countries; Germany, Korea, Philippines, Japan, and Swiss. Advanced in my business and career. Altered course for my life. Despite potentially having a lot to share, I guess…

  • Stable Diffusion – AI Art

    Art is a career path I cut off fairly early in my life. While I enjoyed drawing and have attended art classes until end of high school, I found my calling elsewhere in computer science. But art has never left me from my professional career. Through web and product design as well as photography, it…

  • It’s 2022, and a website I created for a hobby in 2001 lives on.

    Wow, it is 2022. And I’m maintaining a website, called Arts of Arc Headquarters, that no one has likely visited for over a decade now. It’s a website dedicated to my gaming clan dating all the way back to 2001. We played a game called Attack Retrieve Capture (ARC) and have been part of many…

  • Handy Base Converter in Javascript

    Just a simple handy javascript I found on stackoverflow for converting any arbitrary base for any precision. Whether it be base 10 to 64, base 2, base 32, etc. I plan to convert it to other language(s) someday for further use. Full credits of this code to the link above. This is mostly a self…

  • New (_blank) Window Icon for Accessibility

    Found this really simple and clean CSS solution to adding new window icon.

  • cPanel/WHM’s annoying default webpage redirect cache

    Solution Edit the following file: And add the following line of code in the <head> That’s it! The Problem Ever configure something wrong in cPanel/WHM and then you land on the default webpage that looks something like this? Which says something like… Sorry!If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider:…

  • How to use NewRelic with SELinux

    NewRelic doesn’t seem to work with SELinux out of the box and it appears it’s out of the scope of NR’s support. So, here’s how to run NR while having SELinux protection. First, we’re going to create the rule file: # mkdir ~/newrelic # cd ~/newrelic # nano newrelic.te The contents of the file should…

  • Protected: Cron jobs, the pros and cons of multiple ways to set them

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Making CSF work with OpenVPN

    This guide will assume you have both Config Server Firewall (CSF) and OpenVPN already installed and working individually. To make CSF work with OpenVPN, you’ll need to create extra iptable rules. We do that by adding them to nano /etc/csf/ If the file does not exist, you can create it. If it already exists,…

  • Changing Limits for Services with CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Systemd

    Hitting too many open file limit for apache? In the previous OS versions, changing limits like open file number would be set in /etc/security/limits.conf or directly inside the start up script. In some ways the new method brings better organization to the limits, but its change is very confusing to people who were expecting the…

  • is 11 years, 11 months and 11 days old!

    Today marks the eleventh year eleventh month eleventh day of Serving little purpose for nearly 12 years and many more to come! Time sure flies…

  • Allowing stuff on SELinux (NewRelic example | For CentOS/RHEL 5/6/7)

    Ah… selinux, always getting in the way of things… SELinux doesn’t necessarily have all the proper rules, so often you’d need to adjust it yourself. This is a tutorial of how to do that with NewRelic as an example (which I just had problem with after updating…). You can replace “newrelic” and “newrelic-daemon” to your…

“This theme is kinda interesting.”

white marble bust of zeus with gold accents, flower garden background, photo realistic, 50mm lens, highly detailed


Owner, Grumpyland