Installing VNC for Centos 6 (VPS) 9

How to Install VNC on Centos 6 (VPS) Well, I usually don’t make these tutorials because there are often tons out there already available. However, I found the existing ones incomplete or inadequate to complete the task. So, this is meant to start from the very very fresh starting point. First, let’s install essentials to ...

A new but not so frequently updated blog! 5

The long delayed design for the website is here. And while at it, I’m ditching Mambo along with it. It’s heavy, it’s clunky and far more than what I need. To top things off, I really don’t feel like updating it. So, I’ve imported the blog posts on Mambo to this brand new and shiny ...


Hello! Well, anyone visiting this front page ( probably didn’t notice. Some visiting certain subdomains certainly have. But I have moved some of my hosting from my previous hosting, Hostgator (which is still active and hosting several other sites) to this new Virpus. It’s a VPS running with full WHM/cPanel. 🙂 I hope everything goes ...

Google Analytics 6

Google Analytics
🙂 Click more!

Where’s the new design?

Well, I wrote in April that I’m going to be putting up a new layout/design for this website. It’s November now and it clearly hasn’t happened. What happened? Well, nothing happened. That’s why it’s not here. 😛 I did try to do it for a couple of hours, then lots of more fun things jumped ...